The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

On 27 Dec 03, I retired after 40 years of federal government service. During that adventure I served 5 government organizations and met, married, and lost my soulmate. I'm now firmly ensconced in a friendly "55 or better" condo community near Washington DC, where I spent most of my working life. Positions with Agriculture's Rural Electrificaiton Administration's (REA) Telephone Program and DOD's Defense Communications Agency, which morphed into the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), consumed the bulk of my career. With REA I contributed to electrical protection of plant and subscribers and the field of industry standardization (serving a decade on several National Electrical Code-making panels and obtaining the rank of IEEE Senior Member for my standards contributions). With DISA, I worked National Level programs essential to our defense during the Cold War. Altie and I met while both worked for Agriculture. We dated, then became ballroom dance partners (a hobby lasting 25 years) and eventually married. While complete opposites, we enjoyed a wonderful 21 years together until her death of a sudden brain aneurysm. As we married late, there were no children from the union.